Events & News
All year long, the Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group promotes epilepsy education for patients, their caregivers, medical treatment staff, and the general public. Team Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group participates in several epilepsy walks and many different fundraising activities that directly benefit the national or local epilepsy foundations and advocacy societies. Check out our upcoming schedule and you may find an activity that interests you.
Webinar hosted by Epilepsy Services of New Jersey

June 20
12 noon
Webinar hosted by Epilepsy Services of New Jersey
Invited speaker Dr. Robert Trobliger (neuropsychologist)
Topic: Neuropsychological Services: What they are and how they can help with home and school.
Children living with epileptic seizures may experience cognitive changes and encounter problems in school. Neuropsychological testing can be key in identifying emerging problems and determining how to best address these.
To register: