Support Groups
Many people with epilepsy wish that they could talk to someone other than a specialist in the field. Someone who can relate to their personal struggles from a personal vantage point. Support Groups offer a special place and a unique group of people who share their life experiences with seizures and epilepsy and relate strategies that have...or have not...worked for them. Attending a support group regularly often helps get through the stressors and challenges that living with epilepsy can create and allows you to find out about all sorts of resources and upcoming events. In the past year, our epilepsy support group closed down because too few were attending. However, we are always open to re-opening if we have enough interest. If you are a patient at the Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group and would like to join a virtual support group, email dramyers@yahoo.com.
Fourth Wednesday of the month from September until June: From 12-1 PM
The group is only for patients at our NEREG Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) program. They have been diagnosed with PNES and have completed their treatment at the NEREG PNES Program. To register or obtain more information: dramyers@yahoo.com
EPILEPSY ADULT SUPPORT GROUP (for patients and loved ones)
Third Wednesday of the month from September until June: 12-1PM
On the third Wednesday of every month (through June 2023), NEREG hosts a virtual epilepsy support group for adults living with epilepsy and their loved ones. To inquire about it or to join, email dramyers@yahoo.com. Next meetings will be on: March 15, April 19, May 17 and June 21.
The group is for persons with epilepsy (or loved ones) who wish to connect virtually with others also living with epilepsy. The group meets to touch base, to go over challenges that may have arisen for group members associated with epilepsy, for sharing of resources, and for general support and camaraderie.
Joining a group is easy!
• All 60-minute sessions are held through GoToMeeting® or Zoom®
• Each group is kept small in order to encourage friendship and optimal discussion time (8-10 participants)
• All groups are led by a facilitator who is knowledgeable about epilepsy or psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.
• Confidential.
• Participation in this facilitated discussion is expected and encouraged. You can have your camera on or off-your choice.
Lorna Myers