Events & News
All year long, the Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group promotes epilepsy education for patients, their caregivers, medical treatment staff, and the general public. Team Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group participates in several epilepsy walks and many different fundraising activities that directly benefit the national or local epilepsy foundations and advocacy societies. Check out our upcoming schedule and you may find an activity that interests you.
Purple Day

March 26, 2024
Many of you have heard about this global awareness raising day where we can all be as creative as possible with the color purple (official color of epilepsy) as long as we are striving to raise awareness and educate others about this serious and important disorder. Check out the The Great Purple Cupcake Project hosted by the Anita Kaufman Foundation:
Don't forget to send in your pictures of how YOU chose to color March 26 all shades of purple!